Saturday, November 7, 2009

Thanks From boy!

Thank you everyone for reading this blog. I have been temporarily relocated to North Carolina for work and may be there until Christmas. Folsom and I hit the road this morning, a 1034 mile, 2 day trip, and the krautmobile is bursting at the seams. If you pray for anything, pray we do not have a flat tire as I will have to unload it to get to the spare.

Until I return home I will not be able to reply to any comments left thru blogger on this blog, but I will still be able to read them. I always try to answer every one left, so just know I am thankful, but unable to get the direct link to the blog operating on my iphone. Your porn will still be here daily through early December and I have a plan to be able to post remotely if needed. I can still be reached at and can receive that account also on the phone.

Thanks to all of you from boy. (Licks from Folsom!)


Leatherpigboy said...

Good luck and travel safe!

Anonymous said...

Praying for a good journey. Safe travels, boy, and woof to Folson.

Stan said...

Drive safely boy. I hope you and Folsom enjoy the trip and NC.

Unknown said...

sounds like an adventure!
good luck!
Have a great time

Ray's Cowboy said...

Safe journey. You will be in my thoughts and prayers.

omar R (mandarin) said...

never late , i'm reading your blog since the begining because i like it,it's rich & more's very good,thanks,
(my english is so so)

omar R (mandarin) said...

never late , i'm reading your blog since the begining because i like it,it's rich & more's very good,thanks,
(my english is so so)